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Home Hearing Help Blog

News about developments in hearing healthcare are posted.

Best Apps for Captioning on Phone or TV

Roberta Singer

Check out the following article in Healthy Hearing (9/7/17) for smartphone apps that do a good job of captioning cell phone calls, TV shows and even movies in the theatre!  Cut and paste this address:


Roberta Singer

HURRICANES AND HEARING: Exposure to strong sustained winds has the potential to create noise-induced hearing loss! Winds of 85 mph and above can cause hearing loss if exposure is prolonged or repeated. The louder the sound, the less exposure it takes. Imagine that Key West experienced sustained winds of 125 mph. Just one more reason to evacuate the island before Hurricane Irma hit.

Are Your Ears Ringing?

Roberta Singer

ARE YOUR EARS RINGING? You are in good company. Research indicates that as many as
50 million Americans have experienced tinnitus and that 16 million Americans have reported
frequent tinnitus, occurring at least once per day (Shargorodsky, Curhan & Farwell, 2010). Customized ear level devices, programmed smartly, may help you manage your particular tinnitus effectively!

Can Sleep Machines Harm Babies' Ears?

Roberta Singer

For those of you with newborn children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren, ensure the noise-making sleep machine you are using to keep the baby lulled asleep is not damaging the baby's hearing. Keep the level to 50dB or below. Use one of the many noise measuring apps on your smart phone to check the sound level at the crib. Placing the sleep machine on the side of the nursery away from the crib is always best!

Observations of Hearing Loss in Men

Roberta Singer

"Hear ye, hear ye!"

Some numbers on men and hearing loss:
-Men (20-69 years) are nearly twice as likely to have hearing loss as women.
-More than half of men who say they have difficulty hearing think their hearing loss was caused or contributed to by noise on the job or loud recreational activities—like hunting, firecrackers, blaring music, or using earbuds or headphones.
-About half of the men surveyed with untreated hearing loss say they’ve felt down, depressed, or hopeless for several days or more in the last two weeks. Those who used hearing aids were less likely to say they felt that way.
-About half of the men surveyed with untreated hearing loss say they’ve been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things for several days or more in the last two weeks. Again, those who used hearing aids were less likely to say they felt that way.

See the link as follows:

See the link below:

Calling All Men: Let’s Talk Hearing Health