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Home Hearing Help Why Choose Us

The benefits of concierge services are increased hours of access, reduced transportation costs and reduced pricing.  We have extensive experience with the helping the hearing impaired successfully.


Because Your Hearing is Important

Quality of Life

Most people would say that quality of life is what we all wish for. You can achieve this by staying connected to the people and things you care most about. Hearing is the bridge between you and the rest of the world. Whether you are speaking to your child, grandchild, or best friend, your ears are allowing you the pleasure of the experience. If you are socializing with a group, going to church or watching a documentary, it is your ears that bring fulfillment.

Mental Health

Hearing problems can create an unhealthy outlook on life. Some of the commonly encountered problems include anxiety, anger, isolation and withdrawal. Avoidance is an especially upsetting technique often used by the hearing impaired. When they find a situation difficult to manage, they stay home. This does not make for a happy and healthy life.

Cognitive Ability

Being sharp of mind is important throughout life. As we age, brain function can diminish. Sensory input, especially hearing, is essential to keeping the brain working at its best. Once we reach our sixth decade of life, the inner ear no longer changes mechanical sound waves into electrochemical energy as effectively. Information from the ear may have more difficulty reaching the brain. If the brain fails to receive enough auditory stimuli, over time, reduced brain function is possible. If you want to maximize brain function and stay sharp, hearing is essential.

Avoiding Dementia

Recent research published in the Archives of Neurology makes clear that hearing can play a pivotal role in reducing the possibility of dementia. Research evidence indicates that 28% of individuals with a moderate hearing loss have dementia. This finding is not surprising in light of the isolation and lack of stimulation that come with hearing loss. Hearing aids are useful in an effort to stop this from occurring.

Avoiding Depression

Lack of fulfillment and isolation can bring internal misery. Depression exists when a person feels life is not worth living. Connection to our world and the things and people we care about are important to our outlook and our zest for life. Not hearing well is a direct threat.  Getting older doesn’t mean you can’t stay connected and invested in life. Hearing all that you can may ward off these very negative effects. Only a very small percentage of hearing problems in adults can be treated medically. The vast majority benefit from hearing aids.

Other Factors

The hearing mechanism is adjacent to very important structures in the brain. Some forms of hearing disorder, especially infections and tumors can have important implications for health.

Roberta Singer, audiologist, fitting hearing aids in South County

The Concierge Advantage

  •  Each appointment is scheduled without a specific time limit. We take our time to do things the right way. You are our focus.

  • We come to you. No more transportation issues or sitting in a waiting room. Privacy is assured.

  •  Appointments are scheduled when it is convenient for you.

  • We provide an analysis and guide to successful communication in your home or office, something that can only be achieved by our visiting the site directly.

  •  All patients are provided with our direct phone number and email address. We respond quickly, everyday, all day for rapid problem resolution.

  • We provide educational seminars to groups of interested citizens, seniors, community organizations, physicians, social groups and many others, without a fee.

  • We teach you strategies for success in the environments and circumstances that are most important to you. Family members are invited to join us.

  • The cost of the special services outlined above is less than you will find elsewhere. Because we do not maintain a traditional office, our overhead is lower. We pass this benefit directly on to you.